List of biologist and his contribution,contributed year and countries who are they belong to

List of biologist

The biology is the alone branch of science that deals with living world. Biology is the combination of both botany and zoology. Botany is the study of about plants and immotile living world.and zoology is the study of about animal and motile world.Here we have to look list of biologist and his contribution and year of contributed.

S.NO Name Year country Discovery Short description
1. A V Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723 Dutch Discovery single lens high power microscope.Oberved bacteria,RBCs,etc He is the first person to develop a single lens microscope by use of this he studied a various unicellur (or) micro-organism such as Bacteria,,he was called as "father of Microbiology/protology.
2. Robert Hooke 1665 England Invented compound microscope,discovered cells He invented a compound microscope that contains double len by use of this he observed cells and he was called as "father of cytology".
3. Fontana 1781 Italy discovered nucleolus The nucleolus is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
4. Pelletier and Caventou 1817 France Named Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is the green pigment in the leaves
5. Robert brown 1773-1858 Scotland-Britain Identified brownian movement and observed nuclei in flowering plant cell he is the first person to describe Brownian movement between the colloidal particle in tyndal effect by use of this movement he observed nuclei in Tradescantia's plant cell in the year 1835.
6. HJ Dutrochet 1824 France All plant and animals are composed of cells He is first person to said all the living organism is composed of cells
7. Schleidan and Schwann 1839-1938 Germany Propposed cell theory Cell theory is states that Organism are made up of cells
8. JE Purkinje 1837 Czech Used the term'protoplasm' The colourless material comparising the living part of a cells.
9. Ethrenberg 1828 Germany coined the term'bacterium' Bacterium is one of the member of unicellular group.
10. Robert Remak 1841 Germany Described the amitotic cell division For the first time described the amitotic cell division,this wonna be a type of cell division
11. Claude 1843 he recogized the ribosomes as basophilic granules rich in nucleic acids Ribosomes are the part of cells
12. Hugo Von Mohl 1846 Germany explain the significance of protoplasm The colourless material comparising the living part of a cells.
13. R Virchow 1858 Germany Stated that all cells arise from Pre-existing cells,Omis cellula cellula This state is said to be cell division
14. Milne Edward 1800-1885 Britain Explained the division of labour in cells of the body Division of labour in cells is a term that describes the specialised function of cell organelles
15. GJ Mendal 1866 Czech Proposed law of inheritance Inheritance is the genetics factor.He is proposed this law for,he called as"Father of Genetics".
16. Huxley 1868 British proposed the protoplasm is the physical basis of life The colourless material comparising the living part of a cells.
17. H Fol 1873 swiss Discovered astral rays and nuclear spindle fibre Astral rays are one variable microtubule which comes out of the centromere.Spindle fibres form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
18. W Flemming 1879 Spanish-German coined the term chromatin and described the spliting of chromosomes described mitosis In 1882 he described the mitosis cell division,a type of cell division in that he Explained the chromatin and splitting of chromosomes.
19. Reinke and Rokewald 1881 Germany chemically analysed protoplasm He analysed the chemical complexation of protoplasm
20. Christian Gram 1884 Danish He inroduce Gram staining method Gram staining is a common technique used to differentiate two large groups of bacteria based on their different cell wall constituents
21. Edovard Van Beneden 1887 Beigen discovered centromere The Centromere is the specialized DNA sequence of chromosomes that link a pair of sister chromatid
22. Waldeyer 1887 Germany used the term chromosome chromosomes are thread-like structure loccated inside the nucleus of animal and plant cell
23. T Boveri 1888 Germany Describe the term centromere The Centromere is the specialized DNA sequence of chromosomes that link a pair of sister chromatid.
24. E V Behring and K Shibasaburo 1890 Germany-Japan Diphtheria Antitoxin Diphtheria Antitoxin is a antibody used to treat a disease diphtheria.
25. Rucket 1892 Germany discovered lampbrush chromosome Lampbrush chromosome is a special type of chromosome
26. his 1893 swiss Describe the bundle of atrio-ventricular node The atrio-ventricular node is a part of the electrical conduction system of the heart
27. Patrick Manson 1894 Scotland filaria is caused by culex Filariasis is a Parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworm of the Filarioidea type
28. Altmann 1894 bioplast for mitochondria
29. Eijikman 1896 Dutch Discovered beri-beri He is the first person to discover the disease beri-beri is caused by deficiency of vitamin B-1.
30. Ronald Ross 1897 British Discovered oocytes he is the first person to discover the oocytes of plasmodium in stomach wall of female anopheles mosquito.
31. Buchner 1897 discovered enzymes
32. C Benda 1897 Germany Named mitochondria mitochondria is the power house of the cells
33. Nawaschin 1898 Russian Discovered double fertilisation and triple fusion in angiosperm In angiosperm, double fertilisation refers to the fusion of one sperm cell with an egg and another sperm cell with the polar nuclei to yield a triploid endosperm.
34. Camilo Golgi 1898 Italian-Austrian Described and Golgi complex Golgi is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells.
35. Correns,Hugo de varies and Tschermak 1900 Germany-Dutch-Austrian Rediscovered the Mendal's law of inheritance He Rediscovered the law of inheritance in new way
36. Karl Landsteiner 1900 Dutch Discovered A,B and O blood group and Rh he differentiated blood into different groups by its present and absent of antigen in blood
37. Emol Von Behring 1901 Germany created antitoxin for tetanus Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection that causes painful muscle spasms and can lead to death.he is the first person to develop a antibody against it.
38. Alfred Von Decastello and sturli 1902 Germany discovered AB blood group Next to Landsteiner he research about a diversity antigen present in the blood and finally find a new AB rare blood grooup
39. McClung 1902 American Discovered a sex chromosome a chromosome that involed in the dertermination sex of an organism.
40. Sutton and Boveri 1902 Germany Explained the importance of meiotic cell division,propounded chromosome theory of inheritance Meiosis is importance because it ensures that all organism produced via sexual reproduction contain the correct number of chromosomes.Meiosis also produces genetic variation by way of the process of recombination.
41. Ivan Pavlov 1904 Russian showed condition reflex affect behaviour
42. Blackeslee 1904 America Discovered heterothallism in mucor In mucor hiemalis,too Zygospores were formed rarely .On the basis of his studies ,he divided the various species of mucorales into two groups: heterothallic and Homothalic.
43. Farmer and Moore 1905 British called reduction division as meiosis
44. Wilson and stevens 1905 America discover the difference in male and female chromosomes Female have XX chromosomes and male have XY chromosomes
45. Bateson and Punnet 1906 British Applied Mendel's law on animals and named the science of heredity as genetics
46. Bar Mursay 1908 canadian Discovered Barr body in man The Barr body,also sometimes called as sex chromatin,is the inactive X chromosome in female somatic cells.
47. Johannsen 1909 coined the term gene,genotype and phenotype Genotype is an organism full genetic information.Phenotype is an organism's actual observed properities
48. TH Morgan 1910 Discovered Sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila and laid foundtion of genetic theory The inheritence of character linked to a particular sex is called sex-linked inheritance
49. Funk 1912 coined the term vitamin Vitamins are organic compound that are needed in small quantity to sustain life.Lack of Vitamin causes various kind of Health issues.
50. EC Kendall 1914 Isolated thyroxine Thyroxine is an hormone produced by a thyroid gland.
51. Robert Feulgen 1914 Germany Described a stain for DNA He finded the stain for DNA and showed that chromosome contain DNA
52. Twort and d'Herelle 1915 French-Canadian Discovered Bacteriophages Virus A Bacteriophages are phages ,Virus that infects and replicates with in bacteria and archaea.
53. RM Willstatter 1915 Germany Describe the structure of Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is the green pigment of the plants.
54. Grassi 1917 Discovered Vivax sp. of plasmodium and studied life cycle in Anopheles mosquito Vivax is a plassmodium that causes malaria fever
55. McCollum 1917 Discovered the sexual form of plasmodium and vitamin-A plasmodium species are hermaphrodite.An sexual parasite can develop after several ronds of multiplication into either a male or a female gametocyte
56. Garner and Allad 1920 coined the term photoperiodism Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of organism to the length of night or a dark period.
57. Banting and Best 1922 Isolated insulin Insulin is an hormone produced by Pancreas gland .It should maintain blood glucose and sugar level fairly constant.
58. Houscay 1923 Discovered the treatment of diabetics by hypophysectomy Hypophysectomy is the surgical removal of the hypophysis.
59. Went 1926 Carried out Avena curvature test The Avena curvature test is a bioassay for auxin that measures the angle of curvature of a decapitated coleoptile after placing an agar block containing auxin on one side.
60. F Griffith 1928 Discovered transformation in bacteria Transformation is one of three processes by which exogenous genetic material may be introduced into a bacteria.
61. Kostoff 1930 Discovered endomitosis Endomitosis the replication of chromosome in the absence of cell or nuclear ddivision ,resulting in numerous copies within each cell.
62. Karl Lohmann 1931 Discovered ATP adenosine triphosphate is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells.
63. Van Neil 1931 Suggested the importance of light in photolysis during photosynthesis The decomposition or separation of molecules by the action of light
64. W Lewis 1931 Described pinocytes The ingestion of liquid in to a cells by the budding of small vsicles from the cell membrane.
65. H Dam and E A Doisy 1934 Discovvered Vitamin-K Vitamin-K is a type of vitamin.This is important to our vision
66. H A Krebs 1937 Proposed Kreb's cycle Kreb's cycle is otherwise called as Citric acid cycle
67. Yabuta and Sumiki 1938 Isolated Gibberellin in crystalline form from Gibberella fujikuroi
68. Ruben and Kamen 1941 Proved that the O2 released in photosynthesis comes from water He is the first man to the process of photosynthesis and clearly defined the plant release oxygen
69. Fritz Lipmann 1941 Discovered co-enzyme A Co-enzyme A is a notable for its role in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, and oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle
70. George Beadle and Edward Tatum 1941 one-gene-one enzymes hypothesis The one-gene - one enzymes hypothesis is the idea that genes act through real the production of biology enzymes, with each gene responsible for producing a single enzyme that in turn affects a single in a metabolic pathway

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