The Arduino had ever has seen best PCB board

Electronics and Data Engineering | SIT
Arduino is the gadget that belongs to the electrical and electronics department. Arduino is a PCB(printed circuit board) that is microcontroller meaning is micro is tiny and controller means that it control the function of the electrical things by the signal pulse that controlling system is work based on the program that is written in the Arduino chip. Arduino IDE is a software that is used for the program the Arduino board. Arduino is invented by Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, and team members in 2005. It is invented in Italy.

                Ok, on what purpose this Arduino is invented? we are familiar with IC gate chips in these chips, for example, we take and gate in this we need to give two input signal and it gives one output by use of these we need to a whole computer system, for what happens to think? so, for that case, only Arduino is invented and helps the students for his project works.

                Arduino having many types but mainly three types preferred for many types of projects these are Arduino nano, Arduino Uno, Arduino mega. Arduino nano is used for small projects. Arduino Mega is used for big projects and finally, Arduino Uno is most preferably used for many things this is actually moderate.

                Now, Arduino, is a nice thing by the use of this many students in both schools and colleges are developing their own projects. The practice of Arduino's is very easy so all level peoples are learning it. It uses in many areas and fields mainly IoT.

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