The uprising new era of transportation system: Hyperloop

Hyperloop is the upcoming new generation of transportation systems it contrasts the whole world by its speed. This innovative idea is initiated by Elon Musk. Hyperloop’s speed is around 800kmph minimum and 1200kmph maximum. Compared to flight the hyperloop is fast. This is ten times safer than the flight. For the setup of the rail track for per Kilometer is about we have to spend nearly 100-140INR. but when it compares to a hyperloop track, the hyperloop track expenditure is much lesser than the normal rail track expenditure. So, the Hyperloop is safer, less cost, very high speed, space-efficient and, time-efficient.

               Hyperloop is being developed by a hyperloop company in the USA. This was owned by Elon Musk. Now, along with this company the USA, India, UAE, the Czech Republic, etc.. nearly 28 countries are developing this in those particular countries. Expected UAE is the first country to implement this project from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. The Estimated cost for this is nearly USD 20 billion.

               The tracks of Hyperloop is a tube made up of steel. These steel tube loops are withstood by cone-shaped pillars this name is a pylon. For this type of construction, this does not require a huge space so, it is space-efficient to construct. This capsule is consist of 28-40 seats for passenger and its front side contains compressor section with huge turbines and its backside have battery section. To reduce the friction force between the capsule and loop, the capsule contains the air bearing at the bottom.

               Its propulsion system that is his motion is made by the principle of linear magnetic induction. For that case, the capsule contains the Aluminium blade rotor and the tube contains iron/magnet stator. Due to magnetic induction, the Hyperloop moves. For the case of operating the magnet we need huge electricity for this, the solar plates are set up at the top of the tube. Imagine let if the construction of hyperloop is once finished it’ll make a journey between the countries is much easy for example the journey between India and the Arabian countries is cover only 5-6 hours only through the land.

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